Volume 22,Issue 3,2002 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  

Radiological Hygiene

介入放射学操作的DSA准高千伏曝光的应用(219-220)刘启良,李冰,杨晓光,李雪[Abstract][PDF 172.94 K]

医用直线加速器机房的防护改建(220-222)茅佩兰,李舟,魏涛[Abstract][PDF 142.78 K]

床下管X射线诊断机半自动限束装置的研究(223-223)李金玉,张松,王伟,吴毅,张志杰,石蕴生,余德水[Abstract][PDF 26.61 K]

Radiation Dosimetry

介入治疗中患者辐射剂量监测(215-216)马奔,陈春林,曾北蓝,刘萍,吕军,余莉萍,刘佩鸣,邹蓉珠[Abstract][PDF 51.44 K]

X射线1/4照射野的输出剂量计算及剂量测量验证(216-218)单国平,严英师[Abstract][PDF 73.55 K]


概率安全评价的方法及当前进展(225-226)安晶刚[Abstract][PDF 51.04 K]

Basic research

Effect and its threshold of ELF magnetic fields on gap junctional intercellular communication(198-200)FU Yiti,HU Genlin,ZENG Qunli[Abstract][PDF 97.45 K]

Experinmental study on relationship between expression of SDF-1 and homing of hematopoietic cells(201-203)SUN Suping,CAI Jianming,XIANG Yingsong[Abstract][PDF 633.47 K]

rhM-CSF扩增的基质细胞联合造血干/祖细胞输注对小鼠造血重建作用的初步观察(204-205)傅晋翔,殷昌硕,张学光[Abstract][PDF 62.36 K]

Clinical research

骨髓移植前的分次照射技术及临床应用(205-207)孙朝阳,石梅,王连元[Abstract][PDF 52.46 K]

小鼠一氧化氮吸入装置的建立及应用(207-208)崔雪梅,宋良文,彭瑞云,王德文[Abstract][PDF 57.94 K]


Relation between indoor radon and lung cancer(209-214)WNAG Zuoyuan[Abstract][PDF 152.20 K]


温泉中氡浓度的调查(218-218)毕治英,赫泉[Abstract][PDF 28.89 K]

天然石材γ辐射水平和放射性核素含量(224-224)袁明,李福生,陈英民,许家昂[Abstract][PDF 32.36 K]


贫铀武器对科索沃环境的影响评价(227-230)于水,叶常青[Abstract][PDF 94.58 K]

1997年俄国Sarov临界事故医疗处理简介(230-231)郭梅,叶根耀[Abstract][PDF 52.05 K]


Effects of γ irradiation on rate of wound healing in a scored confluent monolayer of cells and the repair-promoting role of W11-a12(173-175)SHU Chongxiang,LOU Shufen,CHENG Tianmin[Abstract][PDF 91.25 K]


着眼未来,搞好传帮带,促进中青年人才的成长——放射医学与防护学分会将中青年的培养工作作为学会的主要任务之一(231-232)刘亚君,祝汉民,于水,周湘艳[Abstract][PDF 44.01 K]


合并放射损伤的创伤难愈与促愈研究的进展与思考(145-148)程天民,冉新泽[Abstract][PDF 94.42 K]

Dose-effect relationships of total-body irradiation on healing of cutaneous wound(149-152)RAN Xinze,CHENG Tianmin,LIN Yuan[Abstract][PDF 110.21 K]

Effects of total-body irradiation injury on proliferation of dermal fibroblasts in wounds(152-155)QU Jifu,CHENG Tianmin,XU Linshui[Abstract][PDF 125.11 K]

Apoptosis of dermal fibroblasts in wounds combined with radiation injury and its mechanisms(155-158)QU Jifu,CHENG Tianmin,XU Linshui[Abstract][PDF 266.55 K]

放创复合伤时创伤局部bFGF和NGF含量的变化及意义(158-160)屈纪富,程天民,许霖水,史春梦,林远,冉新泽,阎国和[Abstract][PDF 94.06 K]

Nerve growth factor promotes wound healing and hematopoietic recovery in irradiated mice(160-162)SHI Chunmeng,CHENG Tianmin,QU Jifu[Abstract][PDF 100.15 K]

全身放射损伤对伤口早期局部组织核转录因子NF-κB活性的影响(162-164)史春梦,程天民,屈纪富,冉新泽[Abstract][PDF 96.88 K]

Effects of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells on healing of wound combined with local radiation injury(164-167)AI Guoping,SU Yongping,YAN Guohe[Abstract][PDF 628.48 K]

培养小鼠骨髓间充质干细胞及其移植后在体内的定位分布(167-169)周进明,邹仲敏,郭朝华,何颖,朱波,王蒙,冉新泽,罗成基,程天民[Abstract][PDF 451.11 K]

Inhibitory effect of 5 Gy total-body irradiation and promoting role of W11-a12 on wound fibroblast function in rats(170-172)SHU Chongxiang,CHENG Tianmin,LI Shunan[Abstract][PDF 94.61 K]

放创复合伤大鼠伤口液对血管内皮细胞迁移和增殖活性的影响(175-177)陈晓红,程天民,冉新泽,高京生,粟永萍,林远[Abstract][PDF 81.31 K]

Effect of vascular endothelial growth factor on irradiated primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells(178-180)ZHANG Xiaoqi,LIU Xusheng,LIU Shuang[Abstract][PDF 460.29 K]

Phase-changes in cell cycle of wound tissue irradiated with 5.21 Gy soft X-rays(180-183)LIU Jianzhong,ZHOU Yuanguo,CHENG Tianmin[Abstract][PDF 126.73 K]

Regularity of wound healing in rats irradiated locally with different doses of soft X-rays(183-186)LIU Jianzhong,ZHOU Yuanguo,CHENG Tianmin[Abstract][PDF 377.55 K]

局部辐射对大鼠伤口愈合过程中细胞增殖和凋亡的影响规律(187-188)刘霞,刘建忠,周元国,程天民,周萍,王华,李平[Abstract][PDF 274.88 K]

Influence of radiation and combined radiation-burn injury on expression of IL-4 in macrophages of mice(189-191)WANG Yanjiang,SU Yongping,AI Guoping[Abstract][PDF 343.65 K]

Effect of combined radiation-burn injury on cell number,morphology and IL-12 gene expression of peritoneal macrophages in mice(192-194)WANG Yanjiang,SU Yongping,AI Guoping[Abstract][PDF 278.84 K]

电离辐射和创伤难愈(195-197)屈纪富,程天民,冉新泽[Abstract][PDF 78.54 K]

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