Chen Rusong,Wang Zhaolan,Ouyang Bingyan,et al.Reference values of skeleton mass for normal Chinese adults[J].Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection,1995,15(5):317-320
Reference values of skeleton mass for normal Chinese adults
Received:December 16, 1994  Revised:March 16, 1995
KeyWords:Adults  skeleton  mass  reference values
Author NameAffiliation
Chen Rusong China Institute for Radiation Protection, Taiyuan, 030006 
Wang Zhaolan China Institute for Radiation Protection, Taiyuan, 030006 
Ouyang Bingyan 湖南医科大学 
孙尔玉 沈阳中国医科大学 
刘赫臣 China Institute for Radiation Protection, Taiyuan, 030006 
李茂河 China Institute for Radiation Protection, Taiyuan, 030006 
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      In order to provide scientific basis for compiling the data of a Reference Chinese Man, skeleton specimens from 486 adults (409 males and 77 females, 20-60 years old) from southern and northern regions of China were collected. By measuring the dry weights for all the eighteen kinds of bone and using the specific values of wet and dry bone weights from external information, the reference values of mass of total skeleton for Chinese adults (8.0 kg for males and 5.5 kg for females)were first proposed. There are apparent differences not only between males and females but also among various geographic locations. The relative weights of different kinds of bone as percentages of body weight for Chinese adults were suggested simultaneously. From this the mass of total skeleton and of different kinds of bone can be calculated directly according to the actual body weight of individuals. In addition, on the basis of the mass of source organs and target organs in bones from ICRP Reference Man, the relevant values for Chinese adults can be derived respectively. The data are most significant in the calculation of bone dose in the field of radiation protection.
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