Volume 11,Issue 3,1991 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  


医学放射学质量保证国内外发展的概况(209-214)尉可道[Abstract][PDF 294.33 K]


科技英语写作中的常见病句(三)(215-221)姚家祥[Abstract][PDF 275.35 K]


医用放射性废物的管理(204-205)杜开如,郭玲[Abstract][PDF 144.11 K]


维生素E在头颈肿瘤口咽粘膜放疗反应减毒效应的探讨(199-201)张峰,程玉蓉[Abstract][PDF 154.25 K]


Some characteristles of adaptive response induced by low dose irradiation(155-159)Cai Lu and Liu shuzheng[Abstract][PDF 250.93 K]

肌瓣和皮瓣联合修复会阴部放射性溃疡伴阴道瘘一例报告(159-159)杨志祥,田秀玉,王方薪[Abstract][PDF 43.25 K]

Changes of some immune functions in combined radiation-burn injury in rats(160-163)Yan Yongtang,Ran Xinze and Wei Shuqing[Abstract][PDF 196.63 K]

Studies on malignant transformation of Syrian golden hamster embryo cells in vitro by thorium dioXide andironmineral dusts(164-167)Gao Fengming,Li Xinlan and Wang Wenhui[Abstract][PDF 180.62 K]

Comparislon study of dose effect curveset micronuclei between conventtonal and eytokinesls-block method(168-172)Jiang Benrong,Gao Peigang,Zhang Haiying[Abstract][PDF 242.95 K]

Comparative studies On oxygen enhancement ratio between fission neutrons and gamma rays(173-175)Wang Tianen and Wang Boqiu[Abstract][PDF 156.63 K]

对儿童性腺的特殊防护(175-175)朱事芳,魏名士[Abstract][PDF 13.27 K]

Comparison of micronucleus frequencies in polychrome erythrocytea of mouse fetal liver induced by tritiated wate(176-178)Dong Jinchan and Zhou Xiangyan[Abstract][PDF 150.93 K]

Estimaiion of cofleentralions of 238U-226Ra and 232Th in air and radiation dose to residenis in Beijing(179-183)Lin Lianqing,Tai Qisheng,Zhang Xiaoming and Ma Guangxun[Abstract][PDF 264.29 K]

一例肺癌伴发放射性脊髓炎患者的细胞遗传学检查(183-183)徐爱祥,李桂珍,陈维刚[Abstract][PDF 27.12 K]

Concentrations of radon and its daughters in environment and their population dose in Jiangxi Province(184-187)Wan Yusong,Wang Xiuyu,Zen Erkang[Abstract][PDF 195.48 K]

Radtenetivity in buliding materials and radiation dose to residents in Guangxi region(188-191)Lu Yourong,Su Shi,Yang Gang[Abstract][PDF 297.07 K]

日本放射防护法规体系框架的调查研究(192-193)宋玉芳,杜治琴,范葆盛[Abstract][PDF 110.01 K]

11β甲氧基雌二醇对地鼠染色体的辐射防护作用(196-196)刘玉贞,邢瑞云,李盈棋[Abstract][PDF 29.21 K]

用骨中210Pb含量估算矿工氡子体暴露量的探讨(197-198)张辅铭[Abstract][PDF 97.18 K]

一例过量照射病人的临床观察(201-203)王桂林,曹履先,叶根耀,程锡元,蒋本荣,杨志祥,艾辉胜,王方薪[Abstract][PDF 170.45 K]

白糖和尿素中137Cs快速检测法探讨(208-208)覃家光,陆有荣[Abstract][PDF 34.98 K]

北京几种主要粮食作物中氚浓度(221-221)吕慧敏,井上义和[Abstract][PDF 29.64 K]

12台X射线机改造前后防护效果观察(224-224)罗银贵[Abstract][PDF 22.72 K]


分次照射染色体畸变的剂量效应关系(194-196)白玉书,关树荣,张秀霞,巫红[Abstract][PDF 165.07 K]


Incidence of malignant tumors among Chinese medical diagnostic X-ray workers in 1950~1985(149-154)Wang Jixian,Li Benxiao and Zhang Jingyuan[Abstract][PDF 314.33 K]


辐射剂量学与医学放射学(206-208)李儒生,王永久[Abstract][PDF 189.47 K]


切尔诺贝利核事故受照人员的随访观察近况(222-224)吴德昌[Abstract][PDF 141.48 K]

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