Volume 8,Issue 1,1988 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  


电离辐射致癌流行病学研究的进展(54-57)陶祖范[Abstract][PDF 335.43 K]


国际放射防护委员会1987年科莫会议情况(59-67)吴德昌[Abstract][PDF 634.59 K]


医用诊断X线优化透视条件选择研究通过鉴定(11-11)林坚[Abstract][PDF 21.13 K]

Late Effects of131I on Function and Mor-phology of Thyroid Gland in Rats(12-13)Fu Changshao,Li Zhangkui,Lü Zhi,Chen Kunming and Zhang Cuilan[Abstract][PDF 149.94 K]

Comparison ol Effectiveness of Four Chel-ating Agents in Removing Incorporated 241Am(15-18)Lun Mingyue,Wang Yuming,Wei Zhikang and Liu Peibin[Abstract][PDF 207.88 K]

Concentrations of Thorium Isotopes in Hu-man Ribs(19-22)Lü Huimin[Abstract][PDF 159.48 K]

Variations of cAMP and Egmp Levels in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes of Rats Fol-lowing WhoIe Body Exposure to 6060Co γ-Rays(23-25)Li wuling,Li Mingjun,Zhang Sunxi,Wu Weiwei,Zhao Zilan and Shen Lei[Abstract][PDF 207.36 K]

六所大学新生入学x线胸透阳性率调查(26-26)胡政[Abstract][PDF 28.42 K]

Radio protective Effect of Serotonin on Per-itoeal Macrophages in Irradiated Mice(27-28)Zhao Liping,Wang Wenchao and Guo Yao[Abstract][PDF 180.36 K]

Alterations to Aggregation Function of Whole Blood Piatelets Following lrradi-ation(30-31)Chen Yongming,Li Xingdi,Yuan Longbao and Wang Hongfu[Abstract][PDF 152.15 K]

射线工作人员淋巴细胞微核涓定(32-32)严宗佑[Abstract][PDF 38.18 K]

Survey of Food Radioactivity and Estima-tion of Internal Dose from Ingestion in China(33-36)Zhang Jingyuan,Zhu Hongda,Han Peizhen,Huang Xinghui and Wang Shouliang[Abstract][PDF 260.81 K]

皮肤晚期放射损伤的临床特征与综合治疗(41-43)翁志根,林增禄,张鸿寿,盛民立,马瑾瑜,吴财发[Abstract][PDF 357.92 K]

广西居民医疗照射频率(44-46)廖赤武,黄仕昭,苏石,段骥[Abstract][PDF 134.48 K]

2,2'-(取代亚胺基)二乙基硫代硫酸钠的合成及辐射防护作用的研究(47-49)胡壁,李淑珍,钟三保,李惠英吴德光[Abstract][PDF 159.35 K]

新疆核试验场周围土壤中的钚污染(50-51)张聚敬,韦继管,邹文良,徐红[Abstract][PDF 146.37 K]

水生植物样品国际比对(53-53)李允兴[Abstract][PDF 51.76 K]

北京地区放射工作者染色体畸变分析(68-68)白家駺,万玲[Abstract][PDF 29.33 K]

10和15mAX线机防护改装(72-72)孔庆阁,高新声[Abstract][PDF 31.66 K]


美国低水平放射性废物管理的现状及有关的辐射防护问题(1-7)M.W.Carter[Abstract][PDF 415.46 K]


Radilgenotoaicological Effect of Fisslon Fragment 147Pm on BALB/C Mice(8-10)Zheng Siying,Zhu Shoupeng,Lu Zhongyan,Wang Liuyi and Zhao Xiuying[Abstract][PDF 564.85 K]


放射性皮肤损伤手术治疗分析(38-40)陈运哲,雷孟凡,杨志祥,卓红[Abstract][PDF 219.07 K]

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