Survey on frequency of medical X-ray diagnosis in Shanghai
中文关键词:  X射线诊断  医疗照射  频度
英文关键词:X-ray diagnosis  Medical radiation  Frequency
姚杰 上海市疾病预防控制中心 200336  
高林锋 上海市疾病预防控制中心 200336 gaolinfeng@scdc.sh.cn 
钱爱君 上海市疾病预防控制中心 200336  
王彬 上海市疾病预防控制中心 200336  
蒋舟 上海市疾病预防控制中心 200336  
摘要点击次数: 2932
全文下载次数: 1354
      目的 通过对上海市49家医院的抽样调查,了解2016年度各种类型X射线诊断照射的分布和应用情况,为制定医疗照射的放射防护策略提供基础数据与参考。方法 按照医院级别,以典型抽样的方式抽取49家医院。通过从医院放射科信息系统读取、人工记录等方式,获取医院基本情况和各种类型放射诊断的人次信息。结果 调查的49家医院,配备的393台X射线诊断设备,X射线诊断人次共计4 442 662人次。受检者男女比例1:0.99。上海市2016年度X射线诊断频度估算值为1 228人次/千人口,其中CT扫描检查304人次/千人口,牙科摄影105人次/千人口。结论 全市X射线诊断医疗照射频度与"十一五"期间相比明显增加,CT检查频度增加尤为明显。
      Objective To explore the distribution and application of diagnostic X-ray procedures in Shanghai through investigating the 49 sample medical institutions, to provide the theoretical basis of protective strategies for medical exposure. Methods According to the grade of medical institutions, stratified random samplings were used to select 49 medical institutions. The basic information of the surveyed medical institutions and person-times of various types of X-ray diagnostic procedures were gathered by radiology information system and manual recording. Results In the sampled medical institutions, 393 sets of X-ray equipment were engaged in X-ray diagnostic radiology, and the total number of X-ray diagnostic imaging was 4 442 662. The gender ratio of male and female was 1:0.99. The total frequency of diagnostic X-ray procedures was 1 228 examinations per thousand population, including 304 examinations per thousand population of CT scan, 105 examinations per thousand population of dental radiography. Conclusions The frequency of diagnostic X-ray procedures in 2016 increased compared with the data surveyed during the period of the "11th Five-year Plan", in which the frequency of CT procedures increased significantly.
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