Survey on frequency of medical exposure in Hebei province
中文关键词:  医疗照射  频度  X射线诊断  介入放射学  核医学
英文关键词:Medical exposure  Frequency  X-ray diagnosis  Interventional radiology  Nuclear medicine
张京战 河北省疾病预防控制中心放射防护所, 石家庄 050021 
沈爱国 河北省卫生计生委综合监督执法局, 石家庄 050071 
高艳辉 河北省疾病预防控制中心放射防护所, 石家庄 050021 
郭大伟 河北省疾病预防控制中心放射防护所, 石家庄 050021 
罗英男 河北省疾病预防控制中心放射防护所, 石家庄 050021 
周开建 河北省疾病预防控制中心放射防护所, 石家庄 050021 
董晓菊 河北省疾病预防控制中心放射防护所, 石家庄 050021 
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      目的 了解河北省2016年放射诊疗机构基本情况和医疗照射应用频度。方法 采用普查的方式,以行政文件形式下发调查表格,了解河北省2016年医用X射线诊断、介入放射学、放射治疗、临床核医学的基本情况和诊疗人次。将调查的各类型放射诊疗人次数除以2016年全省常住人口数,得出不同放射诊疗类型的应用频度。结果 2016年全省有放射诊疗机构2 951家,放射诊疗设备6 966台,医用X射线诊断应用频度为379.25人次/千人口,介入放射学应用频度2.31人次/千人口,放射治疗应用频度0.55例/千人口,临床核医学应用频度1.65人次/千人口。CT应用频度136.39人次/千人口,占全省医用X射线诊断应用频度的36.0%,年均增长率达12.4%。各地各类医疗照射应用频度中,临床核医学应用频度最高的石家庄是最低的衡水的11倍;三级医疗机构虽然只占机构总数的2.3%,但其开展25.5%的医用X射线诊断和35.3%的CT检查,开展介入放射学和放射治疗超过了全省的70%,临床核医学更是高达全省的97.7%。结论 初步掌握了河北省2016年放射诊疗机构基本情况和医疗照射应用频度,医疗照射将保持较长时间的增长趋势且各地各级医疗机构开展情况很不平衡,要加强宏观调控和医疗照射防护管理力度,合理应用各种放射诊疗,保护患者和受检者健康和安全,促进放射诊疗事业健康可持续发展。
      Objective To acquire the basic information on diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy institutions and the frequency of medical radiation of Hebei province in 2016. Methods A survey was made using questionnaires for basic information on medical X-ray diagnosis, interventional radiology, radiotherapy and clinical nuclear medicine. Values of frequencies were derived for each type of medical X-ray procedure by dividing the total population. Results In 2016 there were 2 951 institutions at province level and 6 966 pieces of equipment involved in diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy treatments. Frequency values were estimated to be 379.25 examinations per 1 000 population in medical X-ay diagnosis, 2.31 per 1 000 in interventional radiology, 0.55 per 1 000 in radiotherapy and 1.65 per 1 000 in clinical nuclear medicine. The frequency for CT examination was 136.39 per 1 000, accounting for 36% of the total frequencies in the province, with average annual growth rate of 12.4%. The highest value of frequency in clinical nuclear medicine was from Shijiazhuang among all types of medical procedures in different regions, 11 times higher than the lowest value found in Hengshui city. Although the number of tertiary hospitals only accounted for 2.3% of the total number of institutions, they contributed 25.5%, by examination number, of the medical X-ray diagnosis and 35.3% of the CT examination. Interventional radiology and radiotherapy contributed more than 70% of the total frequencies in the province, and clinical nuclear medicine was as high as 97.7%. Conclusions The basic information on diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy institutions and the frequency of medical procedures in Hebei in 2016 have been preliminarily made clear. Medical exposure could maintain a long-term growth trend. The frequency distribution of medical procedures in various regions and medical institutions is highly unbalanced. It is desirable to enhance the macroeconomic regulation and the management of medical radiation protection in order to rationally perform all types of diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy treatments to protect the health and safety of the patients and the examined individuals, and to promote the sustainable development of the health care services.
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