Current status of the radiodiagnostic and radiotheraputic resources and the frequency of medical radiation exposure in Wuxi city in 2020
中文关键词:  放射防护  放射诊疗  照射频度
英文关键词:Radiological protection  Radiodiagnosis and radiotherapy  Frequency of exposure
李清华 无锡市疾病预防控制中心职业与放射卫生科, 无锡 214023  
朱晓明 无锡市疾病预防控制中心职业与放射卫生科, 无锡 214023 799643491@qq.com 
曾亚楠 无锡市疾病预防控制中心职业与放射卫生科, 无锡 214023  
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      目的 调查无锡市放射诊疗资源配置、分布及医疗照射应用频度,为合理调配医疗资源,规范医疗照射管理提供依据。方法 根据"江苏省放射卫生信息管理平台"2020年度监测数据,结合无锡市统计年鉴提供的2019年底无锡市常住人口,对无锡市放射诊疗机构的人员、设备、医疗照射应用频度进行描述性分析。结果 2020年无锡市的放射诊疗设备923台,放射诊疗工作人员2 480人,每百万人口拥有的设备及人员数量分别为140.03台和376.24人;2020年度无锡市医疗照射应用频度为1 137.53人次/千人口,其中常规X射线诊断为646.17人次/千人口,CT诊断为394.11人次/千人口,介入诊疗5.34人次/千人口,放射治疗0.79人/千人口,核医学诊疗7.12人/千人口。介入治疗、核医学诊疗及放疗主要集中在三级医院。结论 无锡市放射诊疗资源配备,高于全国及全省平均水平,然存在资源配置不均衡的情况。常规X射线及CT检查应用频度高于全省水平,医疗照射引起的人群集体剂量较高,需加强放射诊疗活动正当性判断。
      Objective To investigate the current status of radiodiagnostic and radiotheraputic resources and the frequency of medical radiation exposure in order to provide basic data for reasonably allocating medical resource and standardizing meical exposure.Methods According to data available from the Jiangsu Radiation Health Information Management Platform in 2020 and the total number of permanent residents from Wuxi Statistical Yearbook 2019, a statistical analysis was carried out of the staff and equipment and the frequency of medical radiation exposure in Wuxi mecical institutions.Results There were 923 items of radiodiagnostic and radiotheraputic equipment, 2 480 medical radiation workers in Wuxi city in 2020, which were estimated to be 140.03 items of equipment and 376.24 workers per 106 population. The frequency of X-ray diagnosis and treatment were 1 137.53 procedures per 103 population, including 646.17 per 103 population for conventional X-ray diagnosis, 394.11 per 103 population for CT scan, 5.34 per 103 population for interventional radiology, 0.79 per 103 population for radiotherapy and 7.12 per 103 population for nuclear medicine. Interventional radiology, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine was mainly concentrated in tertiary hospitals.Conclusions The number of radiodiagnostic and radiotheraputic resources in Wuxi is above the national and provincial level, although in a unbalanced state. Conventional X-ray diagnosis frequency in Wuxi is higher than that of provincial level, resultsing in higher collective dose. Radiological diagnosis and treatment activities needs a approach to the process of justification.
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