Survey of paediatric CT practice in Shanghai from four hospitals during 2011-2014
中文关键词:  儿童  CT检查  频度  上海
英文关键词:Paediatric  CT examination  Frequency  Shanghai
肖虹 上海市疾病预防控制中心 200336  
高林峰 上海市疾病预防控制中心 200336 gaolinfeng@scdc.sh.cn 
王彬 上海市疾病预防控制中心 200336  
钱爱君 上海市疾病预防控制中心 200336  
姚杰 上海市疾病预防控制中心 200336  
曲良勇 上海中冶医院 200941  
蒋舟 上海市疾病预防控制中心 200336  
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      目的 对上海市4家儿童医院CT应用频度进行调查,描述儿童CT检查的应用特点。方法 从4家医院的放射学信息系统(RIS)数据库中提取2011-2014年所有儿童患者的CT检查情况,描述受检者年龄、性别和检查部位的分布特征,分析受检者重复检查的结果,并对上海市4家儿童医院的儿童CT检查应用频度进行估算与分析。结果 共计有175 672名患儿在2011-2014年进行了249 350人次CT检查。其中男性(62%)受检总人次数多于女性(38%)。大多数患儿年龄为1~5岁,占总人次数的40.3%。婴儿(≤ 1岁)心脏CT检查占婴儿CT检查总人次数的14.5%,占心脏CT检查总人次数的63.0%。有33 634(19.1%)名受检者在4年内接受了2次及以上的CT检查。研究估计的2011-2014年上海市4家儿童医院的儿童CT检查应用频度分别为37.9、43.3、43.3、39.0人次/千人口。结论 近年来上海市4家儿童医院的儿童CT检查应用频度基本保持稳定。
      Objective To study the the application characteristics of paediatric CT examination by investigating four main children's hospital of Shanghai. Methods All the CT scan cases of paediatric patients in this work were obtained from the radiology information system (RIS) database in four hospitals between 2011 and 2014. The distribution of using CT scans was analysed according to the age, gender, anatomical regions and the duplicated cases of the patient, then estimated the paediatric CT scan rates of four hospitals in Shanghai. Results Retrospective review of RIS showed 249 350 CT examinations from 175 672 young patients were performed between 2011 and 2014 in the surveyed hospitals. More males (62%) were scanned than females (38%). The majority of children receiving the examinations were 1 to 5 years old,which amounted to 40.3% in all. Cardiac CT accounted for 14.5% among all children of ≤ 1 year old CTs and accounted for 63.0% among all cardiac CT scans. There were 33 634 (19.1%) individuals who had received 2 or more CT scans during the four years. The estimated paediatric CT scan frequencies of four hospitals in Shanghai from 2011 to 2014 were 37.9 examinations per 1 000 population in 2011, 43.3 examinations per 1 000 population in 2012, 43.3 examinations per 1 000 population in 2013 and 39.0 examinations per 1 000 population in 2014. Conclusions The CT scan frequencies of four hospitals in children and young adults was almost keeping stable in Shanghai.
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