郑敏,王先良,王捷,等.宫颈癌后装放疗时膀胱直肠小肠受照剂量探讨[J].中华放射医学与防护杂志,2015,35(9):683-686.Zheng Min,Wang Xianliang,Wang Jie,et al.The analysis of exposure dose for bladder, rectum and small intestine with brachytherapy for cervical cancer[J].Chin J Radiol Med Prot,2015,35(9):683-686
The analysis of exposure dose for bladder, rectum and small intestine with brachytherapy for cervical cancer
中文关键词:  近距离放疗  直肠  膀胱  小肠
英文关键词:Brachytherapy  Rectum  Bladder  Small intestine
郑敏 530021 南宁, 广西医科大学研究生学院  
王先良 四川省肿瘤医院放疗科  
王捷 四川省肿瘤医院放疗科 wxr792000@163.com 
何玲 四川省疾病预防控制中心  
谢非 530021 南宁, 广西医科大学研究生学院  
袁珂 四川省肿瘤医院放疗科  
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      目的 探讨宫颈癌腔内放疗时不同体积的膀胱、直肠与危及器官受照剂量的关系。方法 选取宫颈癌患者共47例,给予剂量点处方剂量600 cGy的高剂量率腔内后装治疗,用剂量体积直方图(DVH)评价标准计划下不同体积的膀胱、直肠和小肠对相应受照剂量的影响。将膀胱按体积大小分成<80 cm3组、80~120 cm3组和>120 cm3组,直肠按体积大小分成>60 cm3 组和≤60 cm3组,分析其体积与剂量分布的关系。采用方差分析和t检验方法分析D1 cm3D2 cm3D30%D50%结果 与膀胱体积<80 cm3组相比,80~120 cm3组和>120 cm3组的膀胱D30%D50%受照剂量增高(F=5.074、5.088,P<0.05),小肠D1 cm3D2 cm3值差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);与直肠体积>60 cm3 组相比,≤60 cm3组的直肠D1 cm3受照剂量减小(t=-2.045,P<0.05)。结论 宫颈癌近距离放疗时,保持膀胱的适当充盈,直肠体积的减少,可使直肠、膀胱和小肠的受照射剂量均相对降低,从而减少放疗的不良反应。
      Objective To analyze the relationship between different rectal volume, bladder volume and dose of organs at risk (OARs) in intracavitary brachytherapy for cervical cancer. Methods A total of 47 patients with cervical cancer were selected. All of them were treated with high dose rate (HDR) intracavitary brachytherapy with a 600 cGy dose for the dosage point. The effects of different volume of rectum bladder and small intestine for corresponding exposure dose under the standard planning were evaluated using a dose-volume histogram (DVH). According to bladder volume, patients were divided into three groups,< 80 cm3 group, 80-120 cm3 group and > 120 cm3 group. And according to rectum volume, patients were divided into > 60 cm3 group and ≤ 60 cm3 group. The relationship between the volume and dosage were analyzed. The ANOVA test and t test were used for analyzing D1 cm3, D2 cm3, D30% and D50%. Results Compared with the group with< 80 cm3 bladder volume, D30%, D50% value of bladder in groups with 80-120 cm3 and > 120 cm3 of bladder volume increased (F=5.074, 5.088, P<0.05). The difference of D1 cm3 and D2 cm3 value of the small intestine between 80-120 cm3 and > 120 cm3 bladder volume groups were not statistically significant (P>0.05). D1 cm3 of rectum in groups with ≤ 60 cm3 rectum volume was decreased than that of > 60 cm3 group (t=-2.045, P<0.05). Conclusions Keeping an appropriatly full bladder and reducing rectal volume in cervical cancers treated with intracavitary brachytherapy can make the exposure dose of bladder, rectum and small intestine relatively small, and reduce the adverse reactions of radiotherapy.
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