陈亮,梁译尹,张巍巍,等.类器官在肿瘤放射治疗相关研究中的应用进展[J].中华放射医学与防护杂志,2024,44(6):543-548.Chen Liang,Liang Yiyin,Zhang Weiwei,et al.Advances in application of organoids to research on radiotherapy of tumors[J].Chin J Radiol Med Prot,2024,44(6):543-548
Advances in application of organoids to research on radiotherapy of tumors
中文关键词:  类器官  放射治疗  实验模型  个性化治疗  放疗增敏
英文关键词:Organoids  Radiotherapy  Experimental model  Personalized therapy  Radiotherapy sensitization
基金项目:上海卫生健康委员会领军人才计划(2022LJ019); 国家自然科学基金面上项目(82272742); 科技部国家重点研发计划(2022YFC2503701, FW-ZXKT2022102502004); 长海医院"固海"计划(GH145-33).
陈亮 海军军医大学附属长海医院放射治疗科, 上海 200433  
梁译尹 海军军医大学附属长海医院放射治疗科, 上海 200433  
张巍巍 海军军医大学附属长海医院放射治疗科, 上海 200433  
童姣姣 海军军医大学附属长海医院放射治疗科, 上海 200433  
张火俊 海军军医大学附属长海医院放射治疗科, 上海 200433 chyyzhj@163.com 
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      Organoids are in vitro-cultured three-dimensional (3D) miniature structures derived from human pluripotent stem cells or adult stem cells from healthy individuals or patients. Compared to traditional two-dimensional (2D) cell lines or animal models, organoids are regarded as more promising high-fidelity models, possessing unique advantages in terms of disease modeling, drug development, the establishment of living biobanks, and the exploration of personalized treatment. Over recent years, the rapid development of organoid technology has brought new hopes for innovating preclinical experimental tumor models and promoting clinical personalized diagnosis and treatment. This review is intended to introduce the development status and latest progress of organoids in the field of radiotherapy for tumors, explore the advantages and limitations of organoid models for cancer, and prospect for its application in the field of radiotherapy.
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