The survey of gross radioactivity level in drinking water in Inner Mongolia Region
中文关键词:  内蒙古    总α放射性  总β放射性  有效剂量
英文关键词:Inner Mongolia  Drinking water  Gross α radioactivity  Gross β radioactivity  Effective dose
格日勒满达呼 010031 呼和浩特, 内蒙古自治区疾病预防控制中心  
申娜 010031 呼和浩特, 内蒙古自治区疾病预防控制中心  
王成国 010031 呼和浩特, 内蒙古自治区疾病预防控制中心 wangcgcdc@163.com 
王海玲 010031 呼和浩特, 内蒙古自治区疾病预防控制中心  
许潇 010031 呼和浩特, 内蒙古自治区疾病预防控制中心  
哈日巴拉 010031 呼和浩特, 内蒙古自治区疾病预防控制中心  
张帅 010031 呼和浩特, 内蒙古自治区疾病预防控制中心  
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      目的 了解内蒙古地区水中的总α和总β放射性水平,估算居民通过饮水所致辐射年有效剂量。方法 采集内蒙古地区全部101旗县、辖区和12个盟市的自来水和出厂水,以及当地主要的河水、湖水、水库水和井水等,共768份水样,用低本底α、β放射性测量仪测量分析其放射性水平,估算居民饮水所致剂量采用美国环境保护署(EPA)Federal Guidance Report 11的通用方法。结果 内蒙古地区自来水、出厂水、河水、湖水、水库水、井水、泉水中总α放射性活度范围分别为0.016~1.003、0.016~0.975、0.017~1.544、0.120~0.672、0.016~0.492、0.016~1.139、0.032~3.156 Bq/L;总β放射性活度范围分别为0.030~0.828、0.031~0.571、0.066~0.873、0.169~2.268、0.046~0.519、0.071~0.526、0.087~1.063 Bq/L。结论 内蒙古地区居民饮用自来水中的总放射性活度均值小于世界卫生组织(WHO)指导值,估算出饮水所致年均有效剂量值小于WHO建议值0.1 mSv/年,其他种类水样总放射性活度也处于全国平均水平之内。
      Objective To ascertain the gross α/β levels in drinking water in Inner Mongolia and to estimate the annual effective dose to the local residents from radionuclides in drinking water. Methods A total of 768 water samples were collected from 101 counties distributed over 12 cities of Inner Mongolia. Low background α/β measuring instrument was used to measure the radioactivity level; On this basis, use EPA Federal Guidance Report 11 universal method to estimate the annual effective dose to the local residents via intake of radionuclides from drinking water. Results The gross α radioactivity range was 0.016-1.003 Bq/L for tap water, 0.016-0.975 Bq/L for factory water, 0.017-1.544 Bq/L for river water, 0.120-0.672 Bq/L for lake water, 0.016-0.492 Bq/L for reservoir water, 0.016-1.139 Bq/L for well water, 0.032-3.156 Bq/L for spring water, respectively.The gross β radioactivity range was 0.030-0.828 Bq/L for tap water, 0.031-0.571 Bq/L for factory water, 0.066-0.873 Bq/L for river water, 0.169-2.268 Bq/L for lake water, 0.046-0.519 Bq/L for reservoir water, 0.071-0.526 Bq/L for well water, 0.087-1.063 Bq/L for spring water,respectively. Conclusions In Inner Mongolia, the gross α/β mean value in tap water is less than the World Health Organization-recommended value and the average annual effective dose from tap water is also less than the WHO-recommended value 0.1 mSv/a. The gross α/β radioactivity from the other water samples is also within the range of the nationwide average.
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