Effect of low-dose radiation on ocular lens of radiation workers:Meta-analysis
中文关键词:  放射工作人员  电离辐射  晶状体混浊  Meta分析
英文关键词:Radiation workers  Ionizing radiation  Lens opacity  Meta-analysis
姜晶 421001 衡阳, 南华大学公共卫生学院环境医学与放射卫生研究所  
孔婷 421001 衡阳, 南华大学公共卫生学院环境医学与放射卫生研究所  
黄波 421001 衡阳, 南华大学公共卫生学院环境医学与放射卫生研究所  
周平坤 北京放射医学研究所  
让蔚清 421001 衡阳, 南华大学公共卫生学院环境医学与放射卫生研究所 nhurwq@126.com 
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      目的 综合分析长期低剂量电离辐射对放射工作人员眼晶状体的影响。方法 检索国内外相关数据库,辅以查阅文献,查找1990—2013年发表的关于职业照射对放射工作人员晶状体影响的文献。最终纳入Meta分析的中外文文献28篇,总研究对象数17 608人。用Stata 12.0软件做Meta分析,异质性检验用Q检验和I2统计量,发表偏倚识别用漏斗图、Begg秩相关法和Egger线性回归法。结果 放射工作人员眼晶状体混浊和晶状体后囊下混浊的合并比值比及其95%的可信区间分别为2.51(2.01,3.13)和4.03(2.77,5.85)。结论 在目前的职业防护状况下,低剂量电离辐射对放射工作人员眼晶状体可造成不良影响,且晶状体后囊下混浊所占比重上升,应加强眼晶状体的辐射防护。
      Objective To comprehensively analyze the effect of low-dose radiation on the lens of the eye of radiation workers. Methods The papers dealing with the relationship between occupational radiation exposure and the lens of the eye were collected by retrieving documents of the domestic and foreign medical information databases with references to other papers. There were 28 papers finalized with 17 608 workers included in the Meta-analysis. Stata12.0 was used for Meta-analysis, Q-test and I2 statistic for heterogeneity test, and funnel regression method, Begg's rank method and Egger's regression method for publication bias. Results The pooling odds ratio (OR) opacity in radiation workers were 2.51(2.01,3.13), 4.03(2.77,5.85), respectively. Conclusions Low-dose radiation may lead to negative impact on ocular lens under the current occupational protection conditions. The proportion of posterior subcapsular opacity in radiation-related cataract is higher than that in age-related cataract. It is important to strengthen radiation protection of ocular lens.
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