陈少文,唐强,刘小伟.Al2O3剂量计在准直60Co γ线中的吸收剂量响应[J].中华放射医学与防护杂志,2009,29(1):91-93
Al2O3剂量计在准直60Co γ线中的吸收剂量响应
Absorbed dose response of Al2O3 dosimeter irradiated by 60Co γ spectrum source capture and collimators
中文关键词:  蒙特卡罗模拟  Al2O3剂量计  吸收剂量响应  EGSnrc系统
英文关键词:Monte Carlo simulations  Al2O3 dosimeter  Absorbed dose response  EGSnrc
陈少文 510275 广州, 中山大学物理科学与工程技术学院 
唐强 510275 广州, 中山大学物理科学与工程技术学院 
刘小伟 510275 广州, 中山大学物理科学与工程技术学院 
摘要点击次数: 2678
全文下载次数: 1624
      目的 用Monte Carlo法研究Al2O3剂量计在准直60Co γ线照射下在水中的吸收剂量响应特性。方法 用EGSnrc/DOSRZnrc 程序计算水体模中Al2O3剂量计的吸收剂量及剂量计相应位置上水的吸收剂量,并计算吸收剂量换算因子。剂量计元件用一个直径0.4 cm高0.1 cm的圆柱形Al2O3薄片表示,计算深度0.5~8.0 cm,入射粒子是准直后的60Co γ线。结果 在研究的深度范围内,吸收剂量换算因子变化不大,平均值为1.143±0.006,最大偏差不大于1.0%。结论 在研究范围内,60Co γ线中Al2O3剂量计的吸收剂量响应与剂量计在水体模中的深度无关,剂量响应稳定。
      Objective To investigated the absorbed dose response of Al2O3 dosimeter in water phantom irradiated by 60Co γ spectrum source.Methods The EGSnrc simulation program code DOSRZnrc was used to calculate the absorbed dose of the Al2O3 dosimeter and that of the equivalent volume of water in the corresponding position, as well as the absorbed dose conversion factor, irradiated by 60Co photon beams in a water phantom. Simulations were done for a cylindrical geometry dosimeter (diameter 0.4 cm and height 0.1 cm) and the dosimeter was placed at the centre of the water phantom at different depths.Results The average absorbed dose conversion factor is 1.143±0.006 and changes little with the depth of the dosimeter in the water phantom, and the deviation is less than 1.0%. Conclusion The absorbed dose response of Al2O3 dosimeter irradiated by 60Co γ spectrum source is steady and is independent on the depth of the dosimeter in water phantom in this research.
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