Effect of low dose radiation on POMC transcription level in mouse hypothalamus and immune organs
投稿时间:1996-12-31  修订日期:1997-03-17
中文关键词:  低剂量照射  下丘脑  POMC  原位杂交
英文关键词:Low dose radiation  Hypothalamus  POMC  In situ hybridization
万虹 130021 长春, 白求恩医科大学卫生部放射生物重点实验室 
刘树铮 130021 长春, 白求恩医科大学卫生部放射生物重点实验室 
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      目的 观察75mGyX射线全身照射后小鼠下丘脑和免疫器官POMC转录水平的变化。方法 地高辛标记碱性磷酸酶显色原位杂交。结果 假照组下丘脑和免疫器官即有POMC转录水平的表达, 且下丘脑主要定位弓状核。75mGy全身照射后下丘脑POMCmRNA含量减少, 1小时内降低明显, 12小时仍在继续下降。免疫器官POMCmRNA含量在照射后逐步增加, 8小时达顶点, 而后开始回降。脾脏变化最明显。结论 低剂量电离辐射照射后下丘脑POMC的减少可能是下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质(HPA)轴功能下调的直接原因, 从而诱发免疫功能增强。
      Objective To disclose the changes in mRNAtranscription level of POMCin the hypothalamus and immune organs after low dose radiation.Method In situ hybridization was used to examine the changes of POMCmRNAtranscription level in mouse hypothalamus and immune organs following whole body irradiation (WBI) with 75mGy X-rays.Results There was a basal expression of POMCmRNAin both the hypothalamus and immune organs.POMCmRNApositive neurone were located in the arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus.WBIwith 75mGy X-rays could significantly down regulate the POMCtranscription level that was remarkable within 1h and remained low in the observation period of 12h.POMCtranscription level in mouse immune organs increased with time within 8h after irradiation and then began to decrease but still remained at a higher than normal level.The changes of POMCtranscription level were more marked in the spleen than in other immune organs.Conclusion These findings suggest that the immediate decrease of POMCtranscription level in the hypothalamus might be the direct cause of the down regulation of the hypothalamus pituitary adrenocortical axis after WBIwith 75mGy X-rays, accompanied with an increase in POMCtranscription in immune organs.
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