A cytogenetic follow up study of five victims accidentally exposed to 60Co γ-rays
投稿时间:1997-04-15  修订日期:1997-05-20
中文关键词:  染色体核型分析  辐射事故  稳定性畸变
英文关键词:Chromosome karyotype analysis  Radiation accident  Stable type aberrations
金璀珍 100850 北京放射医学研究所 
刘秀林 100850 北京放射医学研究所 
张泽云 100850 北京放射医学研究所 
骆亿生 100850 北京放射医学研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2819
全文下载次数: 1720
      目的 用染色体核型分析方法对上海6.25钴源事故5名受照者照后4~6年进行随访观察, 为评价辐射对人远期健康影响提供生物学依据。方法 照后第4年用常规染色方法, 照后第5年用G显带法, 照后第6年进而用染色体核型自动分析系统, 加大分析细胞数, 使结果更精确。结果 根据照后4~6年的随访观察结果, 证实在这些受照者所见到的畸变主要是稳定性畸变, 它们的频率与原先所受剂量大小关系密切。
      Objective A radiation accident involving a 60Co source occurred in Shanghai in June, 1990 in which five victims were exposed to moderate to high doses (2.0-5.2Gy).Cytogenetic study was extended over 4-6 years after irradiation as one of the major long term follow up surveys to evaluate biological effects of radiation. Method Chromosome slides were prepared using conventional Giemsa stain and G banding method for the karyotype analysis. Results Chromosome analyses revealed that most of remaining aberrations were of stable types and they contributed the major evidence of a dose response relationship. Conclusion These findings provide information that Cs type aberrations are useful for assessing the dose response relationship in those persons who were irradiated many years before cytogenetic examination.
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