曹华,葛忠良,刘秀珍,胡良平,张群伟,孙丽亚,张雪峰.rhTPO 对60Co 照射小鼠造血系统影响的研究[J].中华放射医学与防护杂志,1997,17(3):151-154
rhTPO 对60Co 照射小鼠造血系统影响的研究
Influence of rhTPO on hematopoiesis in mice irradiated with 60Co γ-ray
投稿时间:1996-11-28  修订日期:1996-12-05
中文关键词:  血小板生长因子  巨核细胞  造血调控  生物活性
英文关键词:Thrombopoietin  Megakaryocytopoiesis  Biological activity
曹华 100850 北京放射医学研究所 
葛忠良 100850 北京放射医学研究所 
刘秀珍 100850 北京放射医学研究所 
胡良平 北京情报研究所 
张群伟 100850 北京放射医学研究所 
孙丽亚 100850 北京放射医学研究所 
张雪峰 100850 北京放射医学研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2197
全文下载次数: 1418
      目的 为了检测TPO的体内活性及其对血小板减少的治疗作用, 寻找用以治疗辐射及化学药物等所致骨髓损伤造成的血小板减少与缺乏, 缓解临床上的出血症状, 降低死亡率的一种新途径。方法 本实验应用基因工程的方法重组了人的TPO, 取昆明种正常雄性, 经一次5.0Gy60Coγ射线全身照射小白鼠为动物模型, 通过对外周血血象的观察, 及小鼠骨髓造血祖细胞培养的检测, 研究了rhTPO在体内对60Co全身照射处理小鼠的造血系统的影响。结果 实验表明, rhTPO能够减轻照射对小鼠外周血血小板及骨髓造血祖细胞中巨核系祖细胞的影响, 并有促进其早期恢复的作用, 且这种作用是量效相关的。结论 提示, TPO是巨核细胞系统较特异的正调控因子, 具有促进巨核细胞增殖发育和刺激血小板生成的作用, 是临床治疗骨髓组织损伤引起的血小板减少和缺乏及贫血的有希望的生物治疗药物。
      Objective Thromboietin, a major physiological regulator of megakaryocytopoiesis, has potent effects on megakaryocytopoiesis. With a view to finding a new therapeutic modality for bone marrow injury induced thrombocytopenia, we studied the biological activity of rhTPO in vivo. Methods We recombined hTPO by means of RT-PCR and eukaryotic expression. The rhPTO was administered to 5.0Gy 60Co γ-ray irradiated male mice, once per day for 20 consecutive days. Peripheral blood counts were monitored and bone marrow was assayed for clonogenic activity. Results Circulating platelet counts and CFU-MK of the rhTPO-treated mice increased significantly in contrast with the control group. Conclusion These results show that rhTPO can restore platelets and CFU-MK of irradiated mice in vivo. Clearly, our growing understanding of the biology of TPO will lead to important new insights into megakaryopoiesis and to improvement in clinical treatment of bone marrow failure.
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